You know your in the right business when...

One of the first things on Teha Hatfields business cards is "My duty is to the clients and customers".  Teha worked with the Thomas family for over three+ months to make sure they had their needs met.  Here's what the client had to say about Teha Hatfield, Bob Den Herder, Betsy Rispen and EXIT Realty Helena.

"Dad: After learning that the house we had been renting for the past 12 years was to be put on the market because of the owners' financial situation had changed we were just numb the day after Christmas what a bomb shell??  First things first "Pray".  The next day we started looking for affordable rentals, there wasn't any anywhere in our area or surrounding area.  Don't panic I would say to myself, "Pray".  After exhausting all leads it was time to put it in his hands.  The very next day we were put in touch with Mann Mortgage, Homes for Heroes and EXIT Realty Helena.  After meeting with my wife, daughter and myself (my wife and daughter are both handicapped and disabled).  Things were put in high gear.  A short time later we were looking at houses to buy.  We looked at several online and in person but when we looked at the house in Boulder we knew right then "THIS IS IT!  A bid was put in along with a letter telling the owners a little about us, and it was accepted.  If it wasn't for the people at EXIT Realty Helena, Mann Mortgage this would never have happened.  A very special thank you to Teha Hatfield, Bob Den Herder, Betsy Rispen, My Wife and daughter for all the hard work they put in to make this happen, but most of all to the one that makes crooked paths straight, thank you Father."

"Mom: Being a mom of a handicapped daughter and having MS myself you don't ever want to hear you have to move after 12 years.  Oh God my family could be homeless, FEAR.  After looking at everything the realization we can't afford any of these rentals.  We got in touch with Homes for Heroes & EXIT Realty Helena Bob Den Herder and Teha Hatfield, they worked tirelessly and also helped us keep the faith!  Teha found this house and we knew this was it!  In came Mann Mortgage Betsy Rispen. We went through everything to get this house, 3 months of paperwork and please God let me have the stuff today.  Teha talked to the owners to see if they would take our offer, and they did.  The path got easier each step we took with all these people hand picked by God we got it done.  We have our home.  Teha, Bob and other EXIT folks helped us move our stuff.  Thank you Teha and Bob and their EXIT Realty Helena family, they treated us and our daughter like family too.  We sold and donated so many things to get to this point.  Through faith and kindness of others we will make do.  My door is always open to our new family."

"Daughter:  Today is the 11th of June.  As I look back on our journey I truly and honestly never though possible but in January we met some pretty amazing people and from there it just grew into another family.  I was scared.  I was nervous but as we went through the process Ms. Teha Hatfield, Mr. Bob Den Herder and Ms. Betsy Rispen helped ease and erase those fears and nerves.  They went above and beyond of what was asked of them and now my mom, dad and I live in our own HOME.  This is something I will cherish for the rest of my life."

Thank you so much for the amazing testimonials from the Thomas family.  We wonder sometimes if were making a difference.  After working with this amazing family we no longer have to wonder.  





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