Agent of the Month - Josh - Part 2

It's October, Time for Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Football! These are also two of Josh's favorite things, so it's time to tell you more about Josh, our Agent of the Month!

Josh can be found hanging out with his family when he has some spare time. He would like to be famous for being the best dad he can be. You might find Josh playing soccer with his 4 girls, or hear him telling them to "Just Chill." Josh thinks it would be a blast to trade places with his kids for a day and those kids just might take him up on the offer!

For Josh, true leadership is shown through service. Josh shows this trait as he helps those in the EXIT office who have questions about technology. He always has patience to share his knowledge and be a leader. 

Josh's spirit of adventure and fun is apparent in his life. If he could be an animal, it would be an eagle. Given the choice between being a tiny elephant or a giant hamster, Josh chose the hamster. Probably because one of his bucket list items is being in a hamster ball on the ocean.  Connect with Josh on Facebook if you are looking at starting the adventure of home buying. 

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