Agent of the Month - Maria part 2

More agent of the month, Maria!

Maria's favorite quote is "If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you." She embraces this by taking challenges head on. Not only is she a busy mom of 2, but Maria continues to grow as a Realtor. Her goals include getting more certifications and learning from every transactions she does.

Maria would also like to show some new team members how special EXIT is. Her advice is to ask questions, learn and have fun! Keeping an open mind and being ready to learn are things Maria has learned during her career and will use that drive to gain knowledge to help her clients. For Maria, a leader has respect for other people and empowers the people they are leading. Her colleagues at EXIT certainly agree that Maria shows great respect for those around her and will do her best to bolster coworkers. 

In her few spare moments, Maria like to read. While romantic comedies are her comfort read, she loves to switch up her books for a little variety. She might also be found having a slice of pizza. If the kids didn't eat it all.


Connect with Maria on her website , or by calling her at (406) 439-2259 and she can help you find your Home Sweet Home. 

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