Agent of the Month - Mike Davis

Happy May! It's time for the Agent of the Month! Mike Davis is our agent this month. He enjoys the fun we have at the EXIT office and always has a joke or story to tell to keep the fun going. So far, his proudest moment with EXIT was listing and selling his first home as a Realtor.  Mike is constantly setting new goals to achieve because he knows that with no goals, you have no future. 

Mike defines success as doing what you enjoy with people you want to be with. For him, that's hanging out with his wife and grandkids. Mike might be found at Bert and Ernie's or the Silver Star if he's showing off the best of Helena. He enjoys watching football and can never resist a piece of chocolate. Mike is always willing to lend a hand or help his clients navigate the ever changing world of real estate. Connect with Mike and discover why he's our May Agent of the Month! 

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